פרופ' ענת רטנובסקי
בניין הפיקוס, קומה שלישית, 339
פרופ' ענת רטנובסקי, המשנה לנשיא לעניינים אקדמיים באפקה, המכללה האקדמית להנדסה תל אביב הינה בעלת תואר ראשון בהנדסת מכונות מהטכניון ותואר שני ושלישי בהנדסה ביו-רפואית אוניברסיטת תל אביב. פרופ' רטנובסקי הצטרפה לאפקה בשנת 2006 עם שובה מפוסט דוקטורט באוניברסיטת הרווארד וכיהנה כחברת סגל בבית הספר להנדסה מכנית ובית הספר להנדסה רפואית. בשנת 2012 התמנתה לראש בית הספר להנדסה רפואית וכיהנה בתפקיד זה עד מינויה למשנה לנשיא לעניינים אקדמיים ב – 2020. מחקריה מתמקדים במערכת השלד והשרירים ומערכת הנשימה באמצעות מחקרים ניסיוניים, עיבוד אותות ולמידת מכונה וכוללים כאלה אשר נערכים כדי להשיג ידע בסיסי על מערכות אלו כמו גם מחקרים יישומיים.
מכניקת המוצקים 1
מכניקה פיזיולוגית של מערכת השלד והשרירים
2022-2025 Ministry of Science and Technology, Asthma severity levels monitoring based on EEG signals using novel ordinal classification algorithms, Principal Investigator. A joint project with Sara Naftali and Gonen Singer.
2015-2017 The Israel National Institute for Health Policy Research, Establishment of unified quality indicators system to increase the effectiveness of emergency departments in Israel, Principal Investigator. A joint project with Pinchas Halpern and Shai Rozenes.
2015-2016 New indices for prediction of human fatigue during training based on non-invasive methods, Principal Investigator. A joint project with Zehava Ovadia-Blechman
2014-2016 Consumer brain computer interface devices for continuous authentication, Co-Research, A joint project with Yehudit Aperstein
2007-2008 Evaluation of Respiratory and lower-limb muscle fatigue indices during prolonged aerobic exercise, C-Research, A joint project with David Elad, Amit Gefen and Pinchas Halpern.
Articles in Refereed Journals
Naftali, S., Della Rocca, K., Gershoni, A., Ehrlich, R. and Ratnovsky, A., 2024. Mechanical impact of epiretinal membranes on the retina utilizing finite element analysis. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 245, p.108020
Volk O., Ratnovsky A., Naftali S., and Singer G. (2023). Classification of tracheal stenosis with asymmetric misclassification errors from EMG signals using an adaptive cost-sensitive learning method. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 85, 104962.
Haba R., Singer G., Naftali S., Kramer M.R., and Ratnovsky, A. (2023). A remote and personalised novel approach for monitoring asthma severity levels from EEG signals utilizing classification algorithms. Expert Systems with Applications, 223, 119799.
Naftali S., Nareznoy Ashkenazi Y., and Ratnovsky A. (2022). A novel approach based on machine learning analysis of flow velocity waveforms to identify unseen abnormalities of the umbilical cord. Placenta, 127: 20-28.
Ratnovsky, A., Malayev, S., Ratnovsky, S., Naftali, S., & Rabin, N. (2021). EMG-based speech recognition using dimensionality reduction methods. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 1-11.
S Singer, G., Ratnovsky, A., & Naftali, S. (2021). Classification of severity of trachea stenosis from EEG signals using ordinal decision-tree based algorithms and ensemble-based ordinal and non-ordinal algorithms. Expert Systems with Applications, 173, 114707.
Ratnovsky, A., Rozenes, S., Bloch, E., & Halpern, P. (2021). Statistical learning methodologies and admission prediction in an emergency department. Australasian Emergency Care, 24(4), 241-247.
Rabin, N., Kahlon, M., Malayev, S., & Ratnovsky, A. (2020). Classification of human hand movements based on EMG signals using nonlinear dimensionality reduction and data fusion techniques. Expert Systems with Applications, 149, 113281.
Ratnovsky A., Yanovich R., Kesner D., Ketko I., Schermann H., Heled Y., Ovadia-Blechman Z. The relation between central variables, EMG signals and peripheral microcirculation during intensive treadmill exercise. Clinical Biomechanics, 67: 52-60, 2019.
Ratnovsky A., Rozenes S., Halpern P. Establishment of a unified quality indicators system to increase the effectiveness of emergency departments. The International Journal of Information Systems and Social Change (IJISSC), 10(4):1-11, 2019
Ratnovsky A., Kusayev E and Naftali S. Analysis of Skeletal Muscle Performance using Piezoelectric Films Sensors. Technology and Health Care, 26(2): 371-378, 2018.
Ratnovsky A., Gino O., Naftali S. The impact of breathing pattern and rate on inspiratory muscles activity. Technology and Health Care. 25(5): 823-830, 2017.
Ratnovsky A., N Regev, S Wald, M.R. Kramer and S. Naftali (2015). Mechanical Properties of Different Airway Stents. Medical Engineering & Physics 37: 408-415.
Ratnovsky, A., Carmeli, Y. N., Elad, D., Zaretsky, U., Dollberg, S., & Mandel, D. (2013). Analysis of facial and inspiratory muscles performance during breastfeeding. Technology and Health Care. 21: 511–520.
Nadiv Y., Vachbroit R., Gefen A., Elad D., Zaretsky U., Moran D., Halpern P., Ratnovsky A. Evaluation of Fatigue of Respiratory and Lower Limb Muscles during Prolonged Aerobic Exercise. Journal of Applied Biomechanics. 2012, 28, 139-147.
Ratnovsky A., Elad D, Halpern P. Mechanics of respiratory muscles. Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology, 163: 82-89, 2008.
Ratnovsky A., An SS, Mellema M, Shore SA, Fredberg JJ. Airway smooth muscle proliferation and mechanics: effects of AMP kinase agonist. Molecular and Cellular Biomechanics. 4(3): 143-157, 2007.
Perlovitch R., Gefen A., Elad D., Ratnovsky A., Kramer MR., Halpern P. Inspiratory Muscles Experience Fatigue Faster than the Calf Muscles during Treadmill Exercise. Respiratory Physiology and Neurobiology, 156(1): 61-8, 2007.
Ratnovsky A., Elad D, Izbicki G, Kramer RM. Mechanics of Respiratory Muscles in Single-Lung Transplant Recipients. Respiration, 73: 642-650, 2006.
Ratnovsky A., Kramer RM, Elad D. Breathing Power of Respiratory Muscles in Single-Lung Transplanted Emphysematic Patients Respiratory Physiology and Neurobiology, 148(3): 263-273, 2005.
Ratnovsky A., Elad D. Anatomical Model of the Human Trunk for Analysis of Respiratory Muscles Mechanics. Respiratory Physiology and Neurobiology, 148(3): 245-262, 2005.
Ratnovsky A., Zaretsky U, Shiner RJ, Elad D. Integrated approach for in vivo evaluation of respirator muscles mechanics. Journal of Biomechanics, 36: 1771-1784, 2003.
Ratnovsky A., Elad D, Zaretsky U, Shiner RJ. A technique for global assessment of respiratory muscle performance at different lung volumes. Physiological Measurement, 20: 37-51,
Chapters in Scientific Books
Ratnovsky A., Halpern P, Elad D. Biomechanics of the Respiratory Muscles. In Biomedical Engineering and Design Handbook. Edited by Myer Kutz. McGraw Hill, NY, 2009
ענת רטנובסקי
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