Dr. Maya Golan

Dr. Maya Golan

Academic Background

A Ph.D. degree from the Industrial Engineering Management Dept. of the Technion. Current research interests include human-machine interface, employee helping processes and work-family conflict. 

Seminar in Systems Management and Decision-Making

Intoduction To Experimental And Industrial Psycho

Human Machine Integrated Systems

Human Factors and Psychology Applications Engineering


2014 - Evaluating the effectiveness of accommodations given to engineering and science students with learning  disabilities. The national institute of testing and evaluation.  25,000 NIS  

2004-2007 - “Evaluation of a Peer Assistance Program in the Workplace”
Israel Anti-Drug Authority. NIS 140,000 ($31,500) (PI Prof. Peter Bamberger)

Golan, M., & Bamberger, P. A. (Accepted for publication in Academy of management Discoveries). Mapping the Choreography of Assistance: The emergence and development of divergent patterns of Dyadic Helping Relations in Organizations.

Singer G., Golan M., Cohen Y., (2014) From product documentation to a ‘method prototype’ and standard times: a new technique for complex manual assembly,International Journal of Production Research 52 (2), 2014, 507-520

CohenY., Singer G., Golan M & Goren-Bar D (2013) Automating thetransformation from a prototype to a method of assembly, Innovations andAdvances in Computer Information Systems, Sciences, and Engineering, Part I, Springer, 99-106.

Golan, M., Bacharach, Y., & Bamberger, P. A. (2010). Application of peer assistance programs in the workplace: Social support theory and the provision of effective assistance to employees in need. In J. Houdmont, J. & S. Leka (Eds.), Contemporary occupational health psychology: Global perspectives on research, education, and practice (Vol. I). Chichester, England: Wiley-Blackwell.

Golan, M., & Bamberger, P. A. (2009). The cross-cultural transferability of a peer-based employee assistance program – a case study. The Journal of Workplace Behavioral Health, 24, 4, 399-418.

Golan, M., & Bamberger, P. A. (2007). Evaluation of a peer-based EAP in an Israeli enterprise. Jerusalem: Israel Anti-drug Authority.